In raising a new generation of leaders in Africa, we are committed to a holistic approach which reconciles both the physical and the spiritual needs of the individual in a more practical way. We touch the hear first in order to get the mind to move the feet where they need to go and then get the hands to do the job they were meant to do.
Water Well Construction: AfriHOPE
has 2 rigs that are capable of drilling water wells. It takes a day to drill one well at the cost of approximately $3,500.00 for rural farming communities. There is water crisis in rural communities in Ghana. Women and children have to walk for more than a mile or in some cases longer distances to fetch water during the Harmattan or dry season. It is believed that every 21 seconds a child dies from drinking contaminated water.
School Breakfast for Children
Poverty and hunger are bedfellows. They share all things in common. They are like twins always seen together. They are identical and inseparable. Every 1 out of 3 children in the rural community where AfriHOPE is located go to bed hungry because there was not enough or nothing at all to eat. One out of every five children goes to school every morning with a headache or stomach pain because of hunger. AfriHOPE provides breakfast every morning for 5 days a week during the school year. The program is an absolute necessity for some children. With $350.00 per month, we feed 200 school children everyday (.35cents a day). It is unbelievable how the children look forward to it. Our goal is to feed 1,000 children daily. The breakfast is prepared and packaged at House of HOPE and taken to the students in our van or sometimes in rented vehicle when our van is out of service. Children are selected from different schools.
Donations to Various Institutions
AFRICA’S HOPE, INC. (Ghana), through the help of its parent agency in the USA, donates used computers, clothing and medical supplies to secondary schools, prisons and hospitals in the Brong Ahafo Region.
St Michael’s Children’s Hospital
The AfriHOPE Missions (Africa’s HOPE) functions primarily with contributions from different important groups such as caring individuals, churches, organizations, corporations and foundations who support people in rural Ghana, especially, pregnant women, infants and children. There are professionals and other individuals who generously donate their time, talents and treasure to travel to Ghana to provide highly skilled short-term professional services. Some of these groups often come with vital medications which are used in treating sick rural people. Our building project is going well but we still need some more funding to finish and bring electric power there.
We need help in two areas:
(1) To complete the 2nd floor of our hospital building.
(2) For hospital staff development
Garden of Hope – Fresh Start
A community of Faith where they will be given the opportunity to learn to develop an authentic faith that looks solely to God. Cultivate and nurture a relationship of trust and total dependence on God by studying his Word and keeping it in their heart to transform them (Psalm 119).
Professional Development & Bi-Vocational Workshop. Turn the church into a professional development laboratory where young people are forged and shaped into the old pastoral mentality with other vocations to sustain them. They will be launched out with bi-vocational mentality to go out to work and share their faith.
3 Ways to Encourage Farming Among Youth in Rural Ghan
Create a Youth Community – Form a community where young people can live together and learn social values, independent living skills and personal spiritual formation and development.
Use Mechanized Farming – use of tractors and other machines to aid farming activities:
Adopt a System of Irrigation – Build water ponds and drill wells to make water available for irrigation so crops can grow all year round.